Not going down under

Sep 26, 2007 14:07

Starting the weekend of 9/15 I came down with a cold.  I took some decongestants but I left ear was still very clogged up.  By Monday morning (9/17) it was very sore.  I went to the doctor and he said I had an inter and outer ear infection.  The doctor gave me lots of really good drugs to take care of it.  As the week went on my cold went away but my ear was still very plugged and I could barely hear out of it.  This past Monday I went back to my doctor to see what was going on and he said that I still had an ear infection and I may have a whole in my eardrum.  I reminded him that I was supposed to go Australia on 10/3 to go diving.  He said that it didn't look good to go on the trip.  To referred me to an Ear, Nose and Throat guy for second opinion.

I got back from the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor and it is game over for me to go down under. The good news is that I do not have a whole in my ear drum. The bad news is that it will take a good 10 days for this to clear up. This means I can't fly, dive, etc.  BTW with the meds I’m on I can’t have any alcohol to drown my sorrows.

I have started the process of getting refunds from everyone and for my travel insurance to reimburse me for the other money.  
 I'm very bummed.  I know of another group going in December by I feel I can't commit until I am sure my ear is ok.  Plus with the issues that came up with this trip I'm a little gun-shy.  Also the December trip is so close to Christmas I hate to leave around that time.

Anyway, just wanted you guys to know.  I'll keep ya posted on what happens with my ear.
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