
Mar 31, 2011 15:10

Title:- Paperwork
Summary:- Owen and Jack find an alternate way to deal with paperwork
Word count:- 100
Rating:- Suitable for all

A/N:- Written for tw100’s challenge #191: A is for Avian though Myfanwy isn’t strictly an avian. My beta says Ianto’s a bit OOC but I think he’s just learning to loosen up a little. As for the last line - blame rustydog for their comment on a previous drabble noting similarities between Ianto and another of my favourite suit wearing men.

Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.


“Jack, I’m missing some pages from last month’s activity report,” Ianto called coming up from the archives. “Have you …” He flinched as something flew past him.

“Now you’ve done it boss,” Owen commented from the walkway as Ianto noticed the floor which was strewn with paper aeroplanes looking suspiciously like the missing report pages.

“We were trying to get Myfanwy to play catch,” Jack explained, unrepentant despite Ianto’s cold stare.

“No way,” muttered Owen as Ianto looked from Jack to Myfanwy’s rooftop eyrie to the sheaf of papers in his hand and smiled.

“Challenge accepted.”

character:owen, fanfiction, torchwood, fic:g, drabble, character:ianto, tw100 challenge, character:jack

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