Friday morning I got an interesting mail (snail mail) from my doctor - and no the results of my latest bloodtests aren't in yet. Apparently, the storage time of my eggs is running out at the end of this year and he asked me what to do with them. Yes, you read right. Shortly before I got my first ever treatment of chemo, I was asked if I want to ice some of my vertile eggs in case I want to have children after the chemo. Well, at that time my first answer had been No, I don't want to but my parents as well as some of my friends said that I should reconsider. I might want to have kids some time in the future.
Anyway, the time is up for them to be either trashed or kept in storage longer (against a fee). After having discussed it at length with His Hubbiness, I just filled out and signed the necessary forms to go ahead and trash it. As I'm turning 40 in 2 days and His Hubbiness and I don't want any children (having two dogs is like having two children), it is the best way to deal with this stuff. So once they receive the signed waiver, the carriers of my DNA will be destroyed at the end of the year.
Do I feel sad? Or otherwise emotional? Strangely enough I don't. The only thing I feel emotional about is that we don't have any puppies from Chica - how is that for hentai? ;)
However, this is such a beautiful day - almost spring like - that I bring you a wonderful Music video. It's a YaMaki Production and I wouldn't mind watching such a movie or drama. TPTB really should pick the fans' brains ... there are some stunning plot ideas around.
Yamashita & Horikita in Is Our Love Doomed - don't you love re-incarnated love?
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