I have a friend that spam emails me all the time with random forwards he gets. Many are one laugh jokes, but these made me chuckle and smile.
I was talking to a friend of mine's little girl, and she said she wanted
to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were
standing there, so I asked her, "If you were President what would be the
first thing you would do?"
She replied, "I'd give houses to all the homeless people."
"Wow - what a worthy goal." I told her, "You don't have to wait until
you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow, pull
weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50.
"Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy
hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward a new house."
She thought that over for a few seconds 'cause she's only 6. And while
her Mom glared at me, she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why
doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay
him the $50?"
And I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party." Her folks still aren't
talking to me.
The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning
to affect wildlife in the USA .
Animals that were formerly self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to
the Democratic Party.....as they have apparently learned to just sit and wait
for the government to step in and provide for their care and sustenance.