Sep 11, 2005 13:44
ha idk if any of you read this anyways.. but ill update
LaBoR DaY WeEkEnD = soooo fun =) went up north... lots of people there.. mary came with us =) she saw her first shooting star!! =D alex was up too.. we hung out with him some.. went to the beach... played euchre with the neighbors.. awlays amusing.. atv rides in the dark with drunk people who sing is always amusing.. hmm cant even remember it all but it was fun =)
MoNdAy - came home.. layed out for a while then we took mary home and we had basketball.. fun stuff.. then home homework and bed
TuEsDaY - back to school... no fun AdAmS BiRtHdAy 8) hes 15 yeah i made him a sweet card in geog 8) haha fun stuff... it was an excellent day =) charlie asked me to homecoming.. =) cool stuff there.. so yeah now im excited =) and then we had basketball... but i didnt feel good so i just complained ;) haha but we took anna and emma and we went to my house quickly and then to foley for the soccer game... fun stuff agian =) then liz took me home and then i slept
WeDnEsDaY - AleX's BirThDaY! hes 16.. but his phone is dumb so we couldnt call him =( not cool. but yeahh .. school was boring.. then FOLEY GAME ... we only lost by 2.. so it was cool i guess.. sucked that we lost.. but amber and sarah were there =) i <3 them then i went to the gas station with tim and steven.. then home and bed
ThuRsDAY - schoool.. then so me and kc went to the gas station.. and some guy was like taping up our skirts.. long story had to file a police report and everyhting. no fun. then back to school to get on the bus to go REALLY far.. i fell asleep on the way.. then basketball out there... we lost by 5.. it sucked. i hate losing.. then we stayed a little and talked to some people and watched socccer then went home.
FriDaY - haha okay so this day SUCKED like majorly.. like worst day ever lol.. school... not fun... at all... didnt win president.. oh well.. then to the police to file that dumb report. no basketball. it SUCKED i was mad. ate lots of ice cream nad had a good cry then it was all better =) i <3 mrs sermo as well. then DANCE =D which was actually fun =) wayyyy fun =) i heart liz mazur. yeahh thats about it =)
SaTuRdAy - MiChIgaN - NoTrE DaMe .. sucked that michigan lost.. but i got to watch brady quinn so it was fun =) that reminds me of eileen =) yeahh then michigan state game.. my day was kinda sucking.. again... cause people are stupid... but whatever.. then mary called =) so iw ent to her house.. way fun =) her whole famiyl was there.. so me and her cousins caitlin, kritina, bridget, and kelly went to the party store.. dancing there haha fun stuff.. then we came back and went tping =) fun.. hhaa but then they caught us and we had to go clean it up.. not fun then mary and i took cool pictures and went to sleep =)
ToDaY - woke up early cause mary had soccer.. came home and slept.. church @ 10:45.. then came back here.. ate food =) basketball later =D way excited. watching some football.. always amusing. thats aobut it
i <3 basketball =)
comments are cool.
i didnt feel like writing about people in this one cause its already extremely long.. so comment again and i migh tin the next one =)