2012, Monster Quest, shutting up

Nov 13, 2009 08:06

If any of you believe that the world will end in 2012 per Mayan predictions or universal alignment, please speak up now so that I may exorcise you from not only my friends list but my life. Also, if you're a sneaky holdover from the Y2K mania of NINE YEARS AGO, WHEN CIVILIZATION DIDN'T EVEN SNEEZE AT YOUR DUMB ASS, feel free to step out of the lecture hall as well. Woods 200 is not the class for you.

Why, why, why does Chris Cuomo always get the stupid GMA beats? Why does he have to sell the dumb shit? I think he likes it. Chris, there is no earthly reason for you to cover an ancient Mayan calendar. You generate more stupidity than you debunk.

This is also why, after having watched a season of Monster Quest - which I sorely wanted to enjoy and be mesmerized by, I was left with the taste of bogus in my mouth. I want to become a cryptozoologist, not so I can track down legendary creatures or phenomenon, but so I can PRETEND to track down legendary creatures and phenomenons while actually sitting in my basement playing video games and eating cheese curls. And grow my hair in weird patterns like crop circles on my head. And stop shaving. And go to distant lands on some idiot's grant money. Or get interviewed by the History Channel when I'm not going for the high score on Guitar Hero III.

And what does my older brother have to say about this? See for yourself:


conspiracy nuts, monsters, idiots, monster quest, 2012, neil degrasse tyson, fucking media, y2k, video

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