After the Snow ....

Feb 11, 2010 12:29

The snow has finally stopped.  I am thankful for that.  My snow shovels were both returned in time for me to dig out again (thanks to the Universe for making me not panic about that).  I didn't get much else done.  I've noticed that maybe I need some adult supervision to inspire action, not a cool thing to admit, but there it is.  I never lost power, or TV, or heat, or gas.

I did get a couple of calls that cheered me up, including one from the blonde and my boss.  Although I spent the past week basically on strike at work in rebellion, it was amazing to me that after a call last night from my boss how I was ready to leap into action to work a problem that no one else really wanted my help on at the time.  It is possible that I have finally recognized some of my limits when it comes to work, in that I shouldn't spend so much time at it (despite the financial rewards I've received), and that I really have to spend some quality time focusing on me and my issues/projects.  I'm not feeling confident that situation will change any time soon.  But in realizing that I've got some time again this weekend to work some things, I'll try to make some progress.  The program says that "progress, not perfection" is what matters.  I've just always had a bigger eye than a stomach for progress, so to speak.

The trick will be balancing the what should be done, vs. having some fun.  To that end, I am looking forward to taking the kids to see the new Percy Jackson movie (for those of you who loved Harry Potter, think similar built on the Greek Gods of mythology), and doing some window shopping.  Hope you all are warm, safe and well.  Spring will come eventually... ;)


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