Title: Midsummers Night's Dream
Author: scottiegilles
Rating: 18
Word Count: 1509
Artist: scottiegilles/ sorry some of the pictures look a bit weird trying to fit casey's head on to luke or noah's body is harder than i thought
Disclaimer: no copyright infringement i don't own any of the characters they belong to As the world turns and CBS and story originally Shakespeare.
Beta: Ashavan Doyon huge thanks goes out to him!!!
Summary: The story of Midsummers Night's dream based in Oakdale.
Hermia: Noah Mayer
Lysander: Reid Oliver
Helena: Luke Snyder
Demtius: Casey Hughes
Puck: Ethan Snyder
Oberon: Holden Snyder
Titania: Lily Snyder
Theseus: John Dickson
Hippolitta: Lucinda Walsh
Part 6.
Casey and Noah came though the front entrance of Metro.
“When he finally had the chance of having you to himself he ran away.” Casey is saying.
“He would never leave me” Noah says back in defence.
“It's me who will never leave you.”
“Casey if you had any feeling at all, you would tell me what you've done to him!” he says forcibly making eye contact with Casey.
Casey holds Noah's gaze “I wish I had hurt him I really do...but I haven't...I didn't.”
Noah believes him. He bites his lip not wanting to ask the next question, “Will you help me find him?”
Casey breathes out,“ Just let him go we're better off without him!”
“There is no we!” Noah retorts he walks away from Casey and out of Metro,
“GRR!” Casey moans putting his head in his hands.
Holden clicks his fingers everything stops; the music, the people, the clock everything suspends in time. Holden points to Casey “Did you drug this man?”
Ethan acts innocent, “No. I drugged the young wet bloke like you said,”
Holden is still pointing at Casey, “This is the young wet bloke I was talking about.”
Ethan walks right up Casey “Is it?!” He turns back to Holden “he's as dry as a bone!”
“That's not the kind of wet I meant!” Holden says shaking his head, “Is Puck short for Puck Up, this man is still in love with Noah!”
“alright... alright, mistake. No need to fly off the handle.”
Holden extends his hand “Just give me more love juice or I will give you a bath!”
“NO! Here you go,” Ethan gave him the bottle.
“I'll handle Casey.” Holden points to the bathroom door “You get Luke and Reid and get this sorted... Now...and Ethan, no one gets hurt,”
Ethan hurries off “ok I'm on it.”
Holden walks up to Casey he sits him down on a bar stool “Now this will make you see who your true love really is,” Holden dips the liquid in to Casey's eyes before lowering his head on to the bar.
You and Ethan are standing in the bathroom. Luke and Reid are caught mid argument,
“So which one do you wanna take? I may be magic but I can't carry both, I'll take Luke” and with that he picks Luke up by the knees, Luke's torso folds over Ethan's small shoulders, Ethan tries to walk out the bathroom door with Luke's body but 5 yr old was struggling with holding Luke's body, he puts him on the floor and grabs Luke's ankles and drags him out the bathroom, you take Reid's prone body and sit him on a table facing Luke.
Ethan turns to you wiping his hands together. “Thing about the old love juice it's a regular roller-coaster.” He walks to hide behind the bar, Holden clicks his fingers everything returns to real time. Holden then disappears. “The problem with Holden is he's to vain to believe any of his plans can go wrong.” Ethan says, from your hideout you watch the scene unfold.
“It all makes sense! don't you see? It's perfect!” Reid continues his conversation with Luke,
“I don't know what your getting out of this but I'd like it too stop...” Luke asks.
Casey lifts his head at the sound of Luke's voice
“Now this will make you see who your true love really is,”
He looks over and sees beautiful wavy blonde hair, intense brown eyes, soft lips and perfect cheek bones. “He's perfect, Luke Snyder is perfect” thinks Casey.
“Casey loves Noah and doesn't love you!” Reid says,
At the same moment Noah walks back into Metro realising that Reid could have been in the bathroom,
“Reid!” Noah is relived to see him. “What are you doing here? Where did you go? Why did you leave me alone like that?”
Reid says firmly “I had better things to do,”
“What?” Noah double takes.
“So your in on it too,” Luke looks accusingly at Noah.
Noah is clueless, “What's going on?”
“oh very good Noah,” Luke had had enough. “What is it about you that always needs an audience! What gives you the right to treat me like this!”
Ethan turns to you making a pained face, “Ouch that's gotta hurt!”
“Will someone please tell me what's going on!” Noah asks again,
Reid stood up and announces “I love Luke...”
Ethan snorts and covers his mouth to stop himself from bursting into laughter.
“...and he loves me.” Reid continues.
Noah laughs, “Don't be stupid!”
Reid sits next to Luke and stares intently into his face, Luke sits back rolling his eyes.
“Luke?” Noah asks smile dropping like a tonne of bricks.
“I don't love Reid! you know I don't!” Luke says,
Casey walks over to the table, “That's right because Luke loves me he always has! Haven't you?...”
“Whoops!” Ethan says still stifling laughter.
“and I've always known it, sort of and now I see it,” Casey is grinning he tries to take Luke's hand, “I see it...”
Reid pushes him away. “Get your hands off and go back to Noah,”
“Reid!” Noah almost shouts.
“It's you that I want” Casey looks into Luke perfect eyes, ignoring the tears of confusion that spills out from them.
Ethan turns to you “Are you following this? Noah dumps Casey for Reid, I love juice Reid and he falls in love with Luke, Luke loves Casey and Casey loved Noah but now he's been loved juiced he loves Luke. You can't write this stuff! Can you?”
“And when did this remarkable change of heart come about?” Luke asks
“You know I think I first realised at Gwen and Will's leaving party, that time we kissed!”
“That was years ago! Why are you dragging that up?” Luke glanced at Noah who looked shocked,
“Well it was before Noah, but part of me knew even then,” Casey spoke hurriedly, “but it's taken me till now to realise what my heart has always known...what your heart has always known,”
Ethan is still giggling “that Casey is a right old poet when he gets going! You write this stuff and sell it!”
Casey reaches for Luke's hand again,
“Get off my boyfriend!” Reid says picking Casey up by his collar and punching him.
You and Ethan watch them fight.
Luke and Noah start arguing too.
you can hear Noah “All this time you pretend to be a friend with his nose stuck in a book...Friend! Some friend! And I don't know what he sees in you!” Noah points at Casey, “What does he see in you?! Money and a snazzy wardrobe! And I guess being blonde really helps too right?!...” Noah trying to continue but Luke cuts in
“...Or perhaps it was to get way from the constant talk of boring old movies!”Luke retorts
“You take that back! You two faced kaniving little Bitch!” Noah stands up grabbing Luke's hair,
Reid and Casey stop fighting and run to Luke pulling Noah off him. Luke took his chance and ran out of Metro, Reid and Casey were in close pursuit. You hear Casey scream “He's mine!”
Ethan is red in the face from laughing he clutches his sides still giggling “You wanted to see a punch up...I wanted to see a punch up... Holden has this nobody gets hurt thing going on! What you gunna do?”