Dec 30, 2005 12:04
I hope this is not what I can expect, I hope yesterday wasn't a foreshadowing for how every day is going to be. I know Zina she used to work for me, so we've had this kind of arrangement before. Kelly and I met through Zina so I am just now learning what kind of person she is.. It is really hard to piss me offf but she's done like a million things that have irritated me and we've only worked together one day. First of all they were supposed to start January third, and Kelly decided to start yesterday because she had some appointments that she didn't want to loose. I said before they waited until the last minute to do the plumbing and were doing it the day before she was supposed to start. Earlier they had agreed that all the construction would be done when I wasn't open. They had to turn the water off, and made two of my massages very noisy. Scott came up here and typed up the lease, obviously I wanted it signed before they started, and now we were rushed to finish it because she wanted to start early. We stayed there late and gave it to her, Scott bexplained everything to her, and he said her eyes were just glazing over... like she really wasn't listening to him. The next day I came in and I told her that I'd scheduled a spray tan for her, because Kelly is now doing my airbrushing, and Ke-airia was going to come train her last night. Ke-airia was going to come right when she got off work at six-thrity. At six Kelly decided she was going to get something to eat, I had no problem with that but she tells me she's going to the Texican which is a sit down and eat place. She tells me she'll be backn time, which I knew that wasn't possible. I was even more irritated when she called me tfrm the restraunt and says there is a wait, and instead of going back later or choosing to eat something faster she asks if I'll call Ke-airia, who was on her way at this point if they can do it later. I was furious, I gave her Ke-airia's number and told her to do it herself. How irresponsible and selfish, they'd had this appointment all day. Kelly calls me back and says they are going to do it at nine in the morning before Ke-airia goes to work. When she finally brought her ass back to the salon I said who are you guys going to practice on? She had the nerve to say "Well can't you come p here?" Oh my god it was like she was begging me to go off. I wanted to say I'm not coming up here because you decided you had to eat dinner at a certain time at a certain place, and to cancel an appointment at the last minute. I told her that wouldn't be possible because I had to drop Scottie off at the groomers in the morning and it was hare enough to get here at normal time as it was because of the transportation situation. She might've been joking but she said, that sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. She tried to control everything all day. She came to me about the way my shelves were arranged up front and told me she had this big shelf we could use up here and tlked about how it needed to be arranged and she actually used the words "I'm putting my foot down" I was furious and Scott told her that she had absolutely no say-so in how things were arranged in the front, that this part of the salon was not theres to make changes too. When I got here she was sitting at my desk, and then she started to bitch about that appointment she has at seven thirty tonight, that by the way she has known about for the past tree days. She sahd she and her husband had planned for the past two weeks to go see King Kong and now they weren't going to be able to go, she never mentioned any of this yesterday. Also I want to tell you I found her lease unsigned and untouched on top of the breakroom shelf last night. It infuriates me it's like she has no respect for me as the owner of this salon. I told her today the lease needed to be signed before she goes home tonight. She didn't even talk to me about when she was starting, and I've prorated the rent for the exttra days she decided without consulting me to work. One of her clients asked "Who is that girl up at the front?" Her response to that was "Oh she does massages." That infuriated me, I own this fucking salon you're working in bitch, and without tis space you wouldn't have your own little business, is she trying to give tem the impression that she owns this property? There were a few little things that happened other than what I hve mentioned but I don't feel like going in to them right now. We're about to have a long heart to heart.