In a last minute decision I went to the 8th annual Toronto Zombie Walk on Saturday. It got dark and cloudy. It rained. It was cold. AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!
Soooooooooooooooooo much fun!!!! Hopefully I can get a few people to go next year. Way more fun that you'd ever think! It was really hard to leave.
Anyway, in other news... my cold is STILL here. Very minor at this point. A slightly productive cough when I talk, that's about it.
More problems at work. A program renamed some files and I didn't even know it could DO that so I never checked for it. But at least I didn't get as depressed and scared over it this time.
Another new synth came in..... actually, 2. I found a cheap but nice one at Teletech JV-1080. Then the one I ordered finally arrived, the Use Audio Plugiator. They sent me the Plugiator Loaded which, oddly enough, was half the price. So it worked out really well.
Waiting for info on printing one of my pics on canvas and maybe selling it and others at the art store.
That's about it.
LOTS more pics of zombies here: