I guess I should do a quick update now that summer is gone.
Sooooo lets seeeeeeee... Renovations on my place are going VERY slowly. I guess I just have to be patient but a few small things should not be taking 6 months. I finally gave up waiting for carpet to be put in my studio and rearranged it.
It took over 6 hours to tear it all down and put it all back together again. And, of course, the next day the carpet people show up. So apparently they have measured the place and I now have samples of the carpet. Great. Except I didn't WANT samples of the carpet, I need a sample of the under padding. It has to be thick and rubbery to stop sound from going down to the unit below me.
But now I think I'm going to choose gray carpet instead of black. Gray is a nice classy colour and I have lots of black in here already anyway.
My kitchen cupboard doors are in and look great and now I have lights over my sink that are really nice too. They finally got a set of mirrored closet doors for my bedroom too which are really nice, although dented. It's hidden so not a big deal. If you ever look at buying a condo, check for sliding closet doors! If they are missing it will cost you $400-$750 to replace them! See if you can get the price reduced because of that.
Photography went well this summer. I didn't get out as much or do as much as I have in the past but I still got a bunch of nice shots.
This shot was Picture of the Day on BlogTO and it was #2 on the iReport page of the CNN website and they actually showed it on the air.
The video of it on CNN is here:
Click to view
That shot of my studio was picked up immediately by matrixsynthblog and got over 200 views.
And last night I took this shot which is the Picture of the Day on BlogTO today!
And in the world of video, Youtube is making a movie called Life in a Day which will be a collection of video clips shot on July 24th this year that users have submitted. Over 80,000 videos were submitted and mine is in the top 100 hours! I've sent them the original file and signed all the release forms. Now we just have to wait and see if it makes it into the final movie.
Click to view
And in the world of Football, I did a few more short voice-overs for the Argo Cheerleaders so my voice was heard many times at Argo's games at the Skydome, and even once in an NFL game the Bills played here!
In music, I've started doing some weird synthesizer stuff that I'm going to put up on Youtube and sell through CDBaby.com. I checked for some relaxing music similar to this on Youtube and found some that have millions of hits so this could be a good market.
Still looking to buy an Oberheim OB-8 if anyone has one for sale.
And in the weather, just a note to my future self, it got cold very suddenly again this year. Labor day weekend the temperatures dropped a LOT. I actually started wearing pants again this week. It's a nice sunny day today and I hope to be going to the beach soon but wow has it been cold all week!!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed having to scroll through all that. So long for now!