Originally published at
Scott Edelman. Please leave any
comments there.
While I was down in Florida last week visiting my mother, I spotted a box of Manischewitz matzoh which celebrated the creators of Superman, those two Jewish kids from Cleveland, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. My first thought was, how cool is that?
My second thought was … well … take a look at the back of the box and see whether you can guess.
Did you spot it?
Superman’s co-creator was, of course, Joe SHUSTER and not Joe SCHUSTER.
I winced when I saw the error, which was likely printed on millions of boxes of Passover matzoh. I assume the folks at Manischewitz are wincing, too. (If anyone’s pointed it out to them already, that is. A quick online search picks up no evidence of this having been mentioned elsewhere yet.)
For future reference, folks, remember-there’s no “c” in Shuster.