Originally published at
Scott Edelman. Please leave any
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Last Sunday, ukulele master Stuart Fuchs-aka “Stukulele”-taught the second part of a uke-a-billy workshop at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Gaitherburg. I’d missed part one the month before thanks to sleet and freezing rain, which would have prevented me from returning home had I ventured out, but I’d glad to say that due to Stu’s ability to convey information, I quickly caught up.
It was very important to me that I do so, because Stu followed up his workshop with an amazing concert, during which the entire class was called on stage to back him up for “Rock Around the Clock” and “Twenty Flight Rock.” And I didn’t want to let him down!
As far as I know, no video of us performing with Stu exists, but once we were done and back in the audience, I did capture his final number - an awesome medley of Iwao Yamaguchi’s “Iwao’s Blues” and Lil’ Rev’s “Me or Uke Blues.”
Check it out below!
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If you ever have a chance to attend one of Stu’s workshops or concerts, do it! You can find out more information