If you’ve been wanting to read a new story of mine, but skipped my last four stories because, oh, I don’t know, you HATE zombies, it’s time for you to head over to
Daily Science Fiction and read my fantasy, “How Amraphel, the Assistant to Dream, Became a Thief, Lost His Job, and Found His Way.”
It’s been live over there since last Friday, August 19, but I was too busy living
Worldcon and then recovering from it to let you know that here. (See why
Twitter is so valuable? You’d have learned about it immediately!)
Amazingly, this is my first publication in an online magazine. Which might also mean-since you can read it right now for free-that it could also be my most widely-read story to date.
So why not read it right
Originally published at
Scott Edelman. You can comment here or