Feb 21, 2008 17:26

So I am gonna help the gals out with this here Livejournal REVOLUTION!

We have some business to take care of.

1) Abbey Moore is wayyy into skullfucking. Don't ask me why. That and anal sex. I personally think its kind of gross, but hey, whatever she wants to put inside of her is her own business.

1-a). Abbey, don't hate me for saying that. I am only repeating what I heard. And I felt like being obsurdly innapropraite.

2) Melissa Aney poops.

3) Fill in the blank. Sometimes I steal things, like: .

4) Kristen Scott waxes her back because its very hairy.

5) Sarah Koscielniak STILL eats rust for breakfast, regardless of health concerns. She also IS Mr. Maynard. Hahahaha

6) I am fully aware of the fact that I am not funny at all.

7) One time Darin Zarzecki was very drunk and told Mark Klempel that he wanted to fuck his shit-hole. Ugh...

8) wedietoday is mean to me and it makes me sad because all I want to do is sex.

9) Windows is for pussies. GO MAC! (anyone with a mac is automatically "smooth, cool and hip" like that guy from the commercials. Who wants to be a lame balding PC man?

Probably Lynzeeeeee Deeeehhal. Because she takes pictures of naked boys.
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