Nov 05, 2004 22:05
bonjour! well today was interesting my dad got a new job at benQ and we celebrated!!! WOOOOO! i ate veal mmmm babby cow. tiffy came over today ah tiffy is always good for a laugh we watched kill bill and that was great! dont got n e home work ither! and i even think that i have a chance at honor roll this year wow if i get on i want a fucking medal! yay go scott go! lol matt blew me away at the drums today hes really got some talent there unlike tyler l or myself i think he should go in to music for a career like even just a promotor or sumthin to bad he dosent c it eh. or does he :| well w/e i get to stess out over meeting jennas family tomarrow oh wut joy welllllll i guse i shall be going peace out.