Well, lets start with something easy. Saw the new Doctor Who last night.... Victory of the Daleks. Overall, and entertaining episode, but lightweight and not especially good. The Daleks were not as annoying as they have been. And its saying something when the Daleks get the funniest like of the episode. "So... you do not require tea?"
Anyway, on with more Captain Satan madness...
The story conclude with just as much inanity as it started. Possibly moreso.
I think I finally worked out what was illegal about what was going on... essentially the cargoes were being hijacked and held for ransom. I suppose they could have made that clearer. The idea is that when the trains disappeared, someone would go and shakedown the owners for money, and if they didn't pay up, they'd destroy the cargo. Apparently everyone paid up.
Oh, remember the understandign father? Apparently, his wife had run off years ago with the Mad Scientist who's behind it all. Another AMAZING coincidence. The problem is, that fact adds absolutely NOTHING to the story. The wife never shows up, and all the father gets to do is gloat a little once the secret underground base of the villain blows up.
We get to find out that Captain Satan is still a pretty vile guy himself.... once he uncovers the whole nefarious plot, he decides to NOT tell the police all about it until he can steal the money that the scam has earned. Why not return it to the guys who were scammed? Well, once more Captain Satan goes through a lot of moral gymnastics. Apparently, by paying off the criminals, the people getting scammed are JUST AS GUILTY, and deserve to be robbed. Ok then. Nice justification for stealing $600000 from the villains.
As a matter of fact, it doesn't seem too hard to steal from these villains, because they don't bother locking their safe. Satan just walks up andtries the handle, thinking he'll have to pick it, and it comes open.
My suspicion is that William O'Sullivan realized he was approaching the total required word count, and was rushing to wrap up things in the end. He gets a lot less careful of things. At one point, the identity of two of Satan's men who were captured changes within 4 sentences. At another, he intentionally leaves two of his men in San Francisco while he investigates a town, but as soon as the plane lands, he sends the plane back to get the ones they left behind. And the villain...
Our villain is amad scientist, who knows how to hypnotise people, and performs brain surgery to turn people into zombies. He likes to randomly wander up to people and run his hands lovingly over their heads while talking about what a beautiful head they have, and how much he looks forward to operating on it. And his NON-zombified employees don't seem to find this cause to run screaming into the night.... His triumph is the fead guy I mentioned last time I talked about Captain Satan. The mad scientist saved his life and made him into a FREE-WILLED zombie slave. I'm not sure how that works, but apparently the guy can think for himself, but has to obey the mad scientist... but occassionally he tries to kill him anyway,
This last seems to be important, because in the end, I don't think it was Captain Satan that was responsible for ending the mad scientists scam... I think it was the dead guy. I say this because during the scene when Captain Satan is stealing the money and getting his men out (along with some kidnap victims.) you hear the mad scientist shouting at his zombie henchmen in another part of the facility, telling him not to shoot and other things. Toward the end, the base blows up... Captain Satan already knows its going to happen somehow, even though he's NOT SEEN either of them to know that they are going to blow it up.
Another thing I noticed. Remember the SECRET secret names his men had? The ones that were the first and last initials of their secret names? Well, one of them is not bright enough to remember both of those names. So he calls himself Kayo. Which means his SECRET secret name would be... Kay-Oh. ITS EXACTLY THE SAME. And then there is the case of two of his other agents... Soapy and Solly, who would have the SAME SECRET secret name. Oh, the confusion that must have caused.
And hows this for overthinking things. In his civilian disguise, Captain Satan told the FBI man that he was thinking about travelling west and visiting some old West towns. So, in order to PROVE this, he and Slim break into a museum and steal some Native American artifacts. Then when the FBI man visits him, he shows the items to him as a 'souvenir' he picked up while out west on 'vacation'. Then he donates them BACK TO THE MUSEUM HE STOLE THEM FROM.
He commits a major crime in order to provide a minor alibi for himself. Wouldn't buying some postcards have been safer?
Anyway, there you have it.