Le Tigre

Apr 06, 2004 01:39

Went up to town today with Nick to see the eagerly anticipated Le tigre show at the Astoria. Met Richard and Rob outside Clone Zone in Old Compton Street. Had a quick meal and drink in Lloyd's bar before the gig where Rob regaled us with tales of today's cottaging. Pervert!
Then we went and queued to get into the gig where a very drugged up inarticulate man offered us "weed". I wish I'd bought some from him as judging by the state he was in, it must have been some "good shit".
The show itself was great and as we were relatively early, we were right down the front.
The first band Kaito was ok generic loud stuff (I thought their drummer was particularly good).
The second was Errase Errata. Much more interesting in my opinion - I particularly liked the lead singer who had four instruments to choose from, none of which that she could play!
Le Tigre were of course, wonderful.
My only problem with the gig was the audience.
It got progressively squashier up the front during the second support act when some annoying Americans and a few lesbians of the more aggressive stamp decided that it would be a good idea to try and push their way to the front. They got elbowed and told to fuck off in no uncertain terms, but they were persistent.
When Le Tigre finally came on stage the pushing and shoving reached new heights. Some of it was the expected gig moshing, but a lot of it was just rude pushy people. I tried to hold the flow back for a while and stood my ground, then feeling this was futile I kind of went along with the flow of jumping up and down. When a couple of songs later I started getting elbowed in the face I decided enough was enough and went to town with my elbows. When this proved ineffectual I started to go to town with my keys in a few ribs here and there. This caused a big enough circle around me to form so that I could escape to the bar. Much better view, room to dance, cold beer.
All in all, a pleasant enough way to spend the evening.
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