"Don't call it a comeback"

May 16, 2007 01:47

Alright, well, here's my big "I'm back" entry...and yet I'm not sure quite what to say. But I do know that I want to come back. Because I miss this place, and the socializing, and I think my girlfriend might leave me if I don't come back sometime soon. So here I am. Back. Giving this another shot.

It's been an odd couple of months since nationals. I've been having a continuous...well...quarter-life crisis. Trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. How to proceed. What I'm going to do with skating, with friends, with Sasha, with everything. Do I stay in Boston when my heart's in California? Do I continue skating when I'm not sure where the future lies?

I really don't know, which is what terrifies me. But what I do know is that everything made more sense when I was here. So I'm going to try being here again, as much as that freaks me out to a certain degree. I hope you all don't mind me re-entering the fold.

So contact me, even if we've never really been in touch. I'd love to hear from you all: Scottiamnot
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