It’s launch day for FEARSOME JOURNEYS, the Solaris Book of New Fantasy, and you can pick it up from
Amazon or from
Barnes & Noble or directly from
Solaris/Simon & Schuster.
You can also enter a quick little contest to receive one of two free copies I’m giving away by mail! Send an e-mail to:
Make the topic “Contest Entry” and be sure that the e-mail address you’re sending from can be replied to (or that you’ve included a reply-to address of preference in the body of the e-mail).
Two winners will be selected randomly. No further notices, advertisements, spam, etc. will be sent to those that do not win. Your e-mail will not be added to any list, or sold, or any damned underhanded nonsense like that.
If you want to save time in case you win, you can include a postal mailing address, or you can just wait until I write back to you if your entry is selected.
I will take entries until Friday, May 31st, at 11:59 PM CST!
UPDATE: The contest is closed, folks. Thank you to the 300-odd entrants! The winners have been contacted via e-mail.
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Lynch Industries.