I was a IIe junkie in high school as well - Wizardry, Pool of Radiance on a monochrome monitor, Duo floppy drives . . . my wife dragged me kicking and screaming to the Dark Side and, well, it's not so bad. Just don't tell her I said so.
I died more times in POLICE QUEST from blowing my own leg off (I kept forgetting to type 'DRAW GUN' before typing 'FIRE GUN') then from criminal activity. I wonder if this is a real reflection of police casualty figures?
I just had to engage Google-Fu to remember the name of the game Aztec, which helped pass many a night spent unencumbered by female companionship. Bard's Tale helped too.
Knights of Legend. The Magic Candle. And the one my brothers and I played the living hell out of, SPACE ROGUE.
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