Taking The Heat: The First Women Firefighters of New York City
Check your local listings; this documentary will premiere on PBS' Independent Lens on the night of March 28.
http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/takingtheheat/ There is still (I'm sure you're shocked) a deeply-entrenched current of utterly moronic resentment toward women in the fire and emergency services in 2006; I can only imagine how lovely it must have been facing it down twenty-some years ago. Consider that these women had to stomach death threats just to be barely tolerated as members of a damned lifesaving service. Reflect on the fact that roughly 30% of EMS and 5-10% of fire personnel nationwide are now women. Ponder how many of you, your friends, neighbors, and relatives might have benefited in some way from their timely assistance. Then make another stale fucking joke about "crazy feminists" or "political correctness," I dare you.