May 16, 2007 22:20
Was not too great.
We put my dog to sleep today. Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Hultgren. Named after Davy Crockett's wife. Thats why i wasnt at school in the morning if you wanted to know. It was pretty hard not gonna lie. We had here since she was a little pup. We picked her out of the litter. She had puppies when we were still living in Monmouth. She was pretty good. She will be missed around here, for sure. Might have a picture slide show or w/e.
My last day of work is Saturday. Thats cool. Remind me to call Alpha Park Library tomorrow since I'm off. Jerry Falwell die. I guess God got tired of punishing the gays, lesbians, pagans, femenists, abortionists and heathens and decided to reward them for once. Yeah, I'm an asshole. But so was he. Rep. debate. Didnt watch it. wish i did. But there will be many more on sooooo its not a big deal. Plus i dont really care to hear any more mindless praise of Ronald Raygun. Seriously, all of those candidates suck. I would be cool with John McCain, except he lost all his kick-assness when he spoke at liberty university. Jerry Falwell. Pshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
We're mock-trying Donald Rumsfeld for withholding the right of Habeas Corpus to Ali Saleh Al-Marri (not full name, but good enough) in English. I think its fun. But im also nerdy i guess.
New Wilco, delicious. Really cool jazzy guitar runs and solos in there.