Jun 08, 2009 01:22
Just had a surprise in WoW today. I tried to log into vent and got a password error, then when I logged into the game I dc'd instantly. After that I was able to get on WoW correctly, and folks in the guild were congratulating me. Had me confused, because we'd apparently had some drama in the guild and I was certain I had unwittingly contributed to it. So I whispered the guild master, and he promptly gave me my officer's password to vent and everything became clear. It would seem my efforts toward the weekend raid group drew a lot of positive attention, and with the recent drama culminating in multiple existing officers taking their leave, I was one of the guild members selected to replace them. So where I was fearing trouble, I got a reward!
How do I do this? I swear I don't seek officership, but I've had the position in every guild but one I've been in on my main toon. Leaves me somewhat stupefied, but pleased.