Oct 19, 2010 16:35
I have not the time for sickness nor sadness,
nor for pain or pleasure.
I'm too busy for happiness or holiday,
and certainly not madness or marvels.
I absolutely haven't the time to sleep or weep,
much less to feel defeat or take a seat.
I can barely find time to eat and rest my feet,
but I found time to think, whilst I stand on this brink.
I can barely rest my weary eyes, so I won't listen to your lies,
and don't expect me to wait or rise to your bait.
You tell everyone you're a believer, you're really just a deceiver,
and you claim to be vulnerable, you're really just incorrigible.
So I cast you out of my life rather than deal with this strife.
You aren't a soul-mate, just barely better than a primate.
So take your baggage and get yourself to the curb,
and be a savage elsewhere, you aren't what I deserve.