Jan 01, 2006 19:49
Ringing in the new year, there is one thing I would like to tell everyone:
ALWAYS appreciate those who care about you
ALWAYS love those who love you
ALWAYS remember that thank you never gets old
2005 was an okay year, I graduated, I had a prom, and no one close to me died. Thats a lot of firsts.
I also survived and did well with my first semester of college, only 9 more to go (grad school)
And all through it, I had one boy support me through it all. He also has given me the promise that he will be there to support me from now on.
So I am hoping 2006 is better than 05, I hope I can support people the way they have me, and I hope I can treat people better.
That is my new years resolution...not to lose weight, not to gain weight, not to exercise more...but to treat the one I love the way he treats me, to give him the passion I give him, and to love him the way he deserves to be loved.
I also hope to treat my friends better, no more sarcasm you guys, I know it kills you all.
Happy New Year everyone, hope your new year is prosperous!
~Over and Out