The young vampire had gone to ground after
their jobs had been finished, needing her sleep. Urquhart found himself at loose ends in the shabby daylight of a run-down city that looked much more dramatic in darkness.
Urquhart wandered along a street, with local money in his pocket. There was a little place with announced 'Chinese Food' (with added Chinese characters Urquhart of course couldn't read), and there he had some green tea, and some delicious little fried things.
He wandered on, finding himself a hat from a stall, and a bread roll with a sausage in from another; then, there was a rather large store full of little electronic things. Urquhart doubted whether the little telephone would be any use in Milliways, or in another world at all, but he did buy a little flat thing that seemed very, very useful for all sorts of things as he was shown it in the shop.
Then, there was a shop with mixed fruit juices, of which he had quite a lot; and then, he sat in a car and told the driver just to drive him around. He stopped at clothes shops and museums, ate ice cream, bought running shoes, and then saw some rather sad whores dance around a pole. He wasn't tempted towards more, but noted the blatant phallic symbolism of the performance.
Falling darkness found him in a sushi bar, eating fugu. He finished his meal, took the cab back, paid the driver, found his host, and then made his way back to Milliways with her.