Oct 08, 2005 22:27
Are you surprised to find that your life has already started, that some percentage of your existence is up, and you must answer to yourself for that? Is this what you dreamt of when you were a child, is this the world that was promised to you in your youth? Is it everything that you've wanted, have you made your way to the end of the path, or at least started down the road to some final destination? Do you have a destination in mind? Would you commit your existence to one single ideal and live it for the rest of your days? Whatever you could possibly achieve in this lifetime will it live up to what you imagined of the world? Do not dream of the rest of your life spread before you, do not accept that happiness and fulfillment will come the day after tomorrow, don't pin your hopes on what you cannot control. Imagine for an instant that this is all there is, this short time, with no guarantees and nothing before or after it. Imagine that the whole of your life might end while you are engaged in something as everyday as reading this paragraph. Do not dream that you will live forever, perhaps you will, but if you're not sure that eternity is a given, if it occurs to you today that the rest of your life might just be a few more minutes as easily as a few more decades, then stop here and now for definition, for identification. What is this place you seek in the world, what is this fleeting memory you want to live by? For my life I would live today, by my own principles and do the same for every tomorrow, for the sake that this world might be my only chance. There is only existence and non-existence, of all that I have experienced, existence has been the best and the only thing that I can imagine to be truly terrible is the plight of a consciousness that was alive and is then extinguished. Life, and life, and life. This is the unknown ideal, the burning center of your thoughts and feelings, your plans and your principles. For life today, and tomorrow, as long as possible. I grasp at the flames that light the world and know the heat of fire. If you would give your life for anything than there must be something worth living for, if you wouldn't give your life for anything then your existence must be the best you can ever imagine, or is it all you can imagine. "This is you" says the profile for Facebook, just a few lines of text on a computer screen, that is all that is known of untold millions, I only hope that my life will be worthwhile to me.