(no subject)

Jul 03, 2008 21:48

Hey all!

Alex got me on my facebook and said he missed me on livejournal so I'm back!!!!! Just when you thought it was safe!

Well what's been happening with me? Adelaide is now 18 months and running around like a loon most days...she loves books apparently, and she isn't far off from talking. She says some words, but nothing other than dadda, mamma and baba. I'll explain the "baba" part in a sec.

I'm currently employed by Thomas Cook Travel ltd, and I did win a holiday to Jamaica, which I turned down and here is the reason why:

I'm pregnant again! Yep, again. No I'm not insane, just wanted another wee bundle to snuggle with.

It's another girl and she's due in about six weeks time! Her name is Arianna Sophia, and Adelaide loves to pat my tummy and say "Baba".

Russell and I have been 'busy' you might say over the past year and a half ;P

So going to Jamaica while I'm off sick from work due to pregnancy related migrains and back trouble...not much fun I can tell ya. Plus I would have had to leave Adelaide and Russell for a week and I just didn't want to.

I'll get some pics up here soon...maybe wait until Arianna is born or something!


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