sleepless nights :(

Apr 13, 2007 22:21

Well...I have not slept in three nights.

It's not because of Adelaide...she sleeps all night long. Its my own fears and concerns keeping me awake.

My biggest fear right now is this SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

I am so scared of it happening to Addie that I was crying for the most of the evening last night. Its been in my mind for three days and nights now, and I've been waking up every ten or fifteen minutes to check that Addie is still breathing :(
I asked my big sis if she had this type of fear when Amy was a baby and she said yes, and that it was perfectly normal...but I can't help thinking that I'm some sort of worry freak.

What's weird about it is that this fear has only just come about in the past few days...I didn't really worry too much about it before that.

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