As you may (but most likely haven't) noticed, I've been pretty thin in terms of posting lately; this is due to a large combination of factors, principally my 'can't-be-assed'-ness.
Anyway, to get to the point, this is my last LJ entry; I'm still gonna check-in and throw the odd comment around, but I'm finished with the actual 'posting' part of the experience.
In true Star Warsian fashion though, the ending signals a new beginning; Since I'm moving to Japan and I anticipate a dramatic upswing in the number of posts along with a large quantity of bandwith-sucking photographs (that I frankly can never be bothered hiding behind cuts) I figured it'd be more considerate to shift to blogspot where I can be assured that all visitors are either specifically interested in reading what I've been up to, or random web-ites who are reading out of chronic boredom anyway. I kinda like the customisation options too.
So, if you happen to be curious about what I get up to across the sea update your bookmarks! (or like, make a new one!) Shaun now virtually lives at: Totally feel free to leave comments of course, you can use your Google ID if you've got one, otherwise just put your name/screen-name in so I can tell who you are (after all, it's no good telling me about your awesome night of alcohol-fuelled recklessness if I can't tell the difference between you and some random Lutheran pastor from Munich).
Ok, time to go- it's been fun guys!
Shaun, signing out.