(no subject)

Jul 29, 2004 09:28

Why is it that I always attract creepy men when I’m on the bus? Yesterday I was taking the #19 home from Brampton and it’s one of those really long buses that have those bendable dividers in it. Anyway the bus wasn’t that full and this guys comes and sit right beside me and blocks me between him and a wall and then I thought oh great this guy wants something and sure enough he starts talking to me. Maybe if it was some good looking guy who was around my age (and didn’t have BO) I wouldn’t have a problem with it. He has the nerve to tell me he’s 23, I felt like saying “yeah right, try 32 and maybe I’ll believe you”. In a way (if his story is true) I felt sorry for him, this guy claims that he just moved to Canada from Pakistan a month ago and has no friends so he thought I’d want to be his friend….. Needless to say I didn’t really care where he was from because he was creepy and wanted to follow me home…>_>.

Just a general note to anyone creepy men over 30 who likes picking girls up on buses: The “ your so pretty” crap doesn’t work.

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