June 4, 2004 - Article - "The Resident Slut"

Jun 04, 2004 20:11

Note: Well I started writing reviews/thought/essays on or about fan fiction in general on things I like, but I was never good on writing reviews/thought/essays. Oh well Enjoy....


A while ago when rummaging through the categories of Angel slash fiction, I found an interesting trend, I notice evidence previously in other fandoms such as Lord of the Rings, Dragonball Z, even to my favorite Yu Yu Hakusho but as I said not to the degree as in Angel and LOTR.

The Resident Slut is like another slang term that is similar to mine and strangely enough that since I've been out of high school for a while that I heard this term referred in fanfiction first, "The School Bike". At first I wondered what the hell this meant but I soon realize that it was another term to call someone a "slut" by the way of - Everyone gets to ride the school bike - I personally think it is just another term to put down females since it will rarely apply to the males.

My terming if I am coining the phrase "The Resident Slut" is where I think simply by sex that it isn't more a female but male term but this could effect my scope since all I read is Slash Fiction so this can very well apply to Het Fiction. "A Resident Slut" is thereby a male in this instance who is so well liked or hated by fiction writers that they will put said male in most of there stories usually having sex with most of the cast in the stories. Which in turn makes him popular or better yet his is the star of the show. Women as is the custom is the writers of this art form will used said male and pair him up with even people in canon he would have never seen or met. Usually the male is often handsome, pretty to downright beautiful when the writer is done describing him. The women are jealous of him and for mpreg stories will be the one carrying the child.

"The Resident Slut" is exactly that. However the ones that I've pegged as the slut sometimes are not the most popular in canon fiction and this is also referring to television/other media as well. But then again that is my opinion since I have not recorded any data to support my theory.

In Angel Slash, I have guessed that the "RS" as Xander. On the show, started off a the sidekick that did nothing. Basically the human of the bunch with no witchy powers, no buffy strength, hell no "I want to suck your blood", however in slash I found and read stories where at some point he has been with Spike,Angel,Wes,Giles and hell even Andrew.

In LOTR, now I will tell you now I will never read the Tolkien Trilogy for the fact of a 1970's cartoon version of "The Hobbit" put me off till this day but I have read numerous fic on a certain Elf who I received from various sources that in the canonical form he is potrayed as "Psychotically happy" so how did Legolas become everybody favorite whipping boy. Like the tootsie roll lollipop "The world may never know."

off topic, rants and musings, fandoms

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