Jun 28, 2005 00:27
This has been a really interesting week and has felt like a dream and it's only Monday.
Saturday night I got hit by a car twice while I was on my bike... it was the same one too. The first hit should've broken something in my foot but I was perfectly fine ( I told you I had super powers) and the second hit just kind of grazed me. The guy had the nerve to flick me off too. I hope I dented the asshole's car! I still haven't told my parents so I'd appriciate if none of you woud either.
Yesterday I had a stalker while I was at work and it scared the shit out of me. I told Andrew all about both things 'cause I all my other friends were just like that's great and went on about the weather or something. I ended up having at least a chunk of a heart to heart with Andrew about how I didn't feel like I was doing enough and I've been to afraid to do what's right. I think I felt so inclined to spill all that out to him was 'cause I felt badly about not defending him like I should've last year.
In Andrew's effort to make me feel better last night he said it could only get better... well he was wrong. This morning while I was watching Mighty Ducks at 9 am the bank across the street was robbed and I found out a dead body had been found not even a mile from my house. (It was totally unrelated to the robbary so no worries there but still!)
I know I'm strong and can hold my own and my brother even said I could be Supergirl, but weekends like this are the ones I need the comfort of someone there saying it'll be okay and then giving me a big, long hug.
On top of that I think I ruined a chance with a guy I'm kind of interested in now by refering to the band he's now in as the "stoner band". I didn't know it was his band though. Ugh...