May 30, 2006 21:10
need to update - just a note but want to get some things out so i dont forget journaling. been working non stop,,,
did get to go hiking this weekend which was so nice. got away from all the bs.
working on the new place. getting to like the area. unpacking, but we are getting new floors in this week, which will help alot. we also are painting - cool colors.
simon won a competition for one of his screenplays that garners some press for him. this is a good thing.
i DO like the new job. the corp. stuff i have to steer clear of = slippery slope working for a company that doesnt understand creative which is all i do. will keep blinders on and save my money. la lalalalalalalalal. cant hear the bean counters... lalalalalalalala.
feeling ok about myself and life in general. stressed as usual. menopausal but still havent committed a felony. got whistled at the other day, so i still have it in my wobbly old tush. wooo-hooo!!!!!
blake is going through angst. may go back to college and leave the music thing alone at the end of the summer. just want him to follow his muse.
saw x3 and was mightily entertained. reading a minette walters mystery which is lovely and decadent.
need a good hairdresser in THE worst way.
glad kenneth lay got fingered FINALLY. pleased that BUSH is going downhill fast.
must wash face and love on husband now.
daily life