(no subject)

Apr 19, 2008 00:00

NAME: Elle Bishop
FANDOM: Heroes
CANON SYNOPSIS: Born and raised into the Company by her father, the head of it all, Robert Bishop, Elle lived a non-life of seclusion and boredom. Her father had no qualms about her being treated like any other bag-and-tag subject in the Company, and she was put through strenuous testing of her ability, hardly ever allowed to leave the facility. Never once on a date, never once on a roller coaster, never once having gone swimming, anything that she considered 'fun' turned somehow damaging or fatal, leading to a diagnosis from a group of shrinks-- namely, that she is a sociopath with paranoid delusions, a sadist. Needless to say, her ability-- lightning, electricity bouncing off whenever convenient-- has been used more than once for her own amusement, to shock others.

Trapped in the Company, experimented on far too extensively, Elle developed a very unstable personality. Anything harmful that happened to her was mindwiped or repressed, leaving her to not remember any of her childhood. Overall, this has left Elle with a very childish, and immature personality. She's very much like a bratty 7-year-old stuck in a twenty-four-year-old's body. She is overall, immature, childish, impatient, whiny, annoying, bratty, and a thorn in just about everyone's side. She does, however, have excellent control over her ability, leaving her with the power to generate electric jolts of varying intensity and targeted very specifically. With this, she's produced her fair share or fires, blackouts, and despises water. She's a smartass and takes the liberty to try and make herself feel better by putting others down, very insecure herself.

This insecurity translates even further into a pathological need to please her father, someone she could never seem to make happy. Henceforth, anywhere that she might be able to make him happy, make herself look good-- because overall, she's not the best girl in the world-- or be a hero, she would like to be able to try and succeed, wanting to feel that rush of knowing that she's been a good girl, not always the disobedient, annoying child most people see her as.

On another note, she also has the tendency to hit on anything male that can walk and breathe, even if it's never led to anything at all stable-- or anything at all in the first place. She strives to get her fun in life from anywhere, and, very restricted by her father and the Company, it's left her to get her kicks from shocking people and messing with their heads.
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