Clone Wars Rewatch: The Gungan General

Jun 05, 2012 11:37

1.12 "The Gungan General"

The webcomic for the second part of Dooku and the pirates is called "Switch".  The last one was "Bait".  Get it? In it, Hondo's Kowakian Monkey Lizard makes several attempts to drug Anakin and Obi-Wan.  After several failures, he simply puts the drug into the ventilation system, knocking out the entire room, including the Jedi.

Now the problem with the beginning of this episode is Anakin and Obi-Wan wake up after being knocked out.  If you remember, they made a point in the last episode of switching their drinks with pirates to avoid the drugged drinks.  They’re specifically shown outsmarting the attempt to knock them out.  And then they wake up in this episode having apparently failed.  Now, one can easily connect the dots themselves, so the leap in logic isn’t that complicated, but it’s still odd to show them avoiding one fate only for them to fall victim to it offscreen.  Anyway, onto the episode…

Cookie: “Fail with honor rather than succeed with fraud.”  Nice sentiment.  Probably has something to do with Dooku getting away, our two Jedi failing to get him turned into the Republic.  Maybe rewatching will remind me.

Maybe they drugged both drinks, the Jedi's and the pirates'.

Hey, Dooku says “God forsaken”.  As one would expect with millions of cultures, gods are undoubtedly prevalent.

I like that Hondo thanks his (apparently late) mom for his devious plan.

Backstabbing pirates!

And now, B.J. Hughes as Jar Jar Binks.  We have to take three episodes of this.  I’m almost crying thinking about it.

Exactly why is there a button that pulls the co-pilot out of the cockpit?

So that poor Gran Senator saves Jar Jar’s life and dies because of it.  Because Jar Jar couldn’t get his seat to work.  I’m actually happy Ahmed Best wasn’t around for these episodes.  Jar Jar screws up the most when he has the weird voice.

Seeing as B.J. Hughes has no other credits on IMDB (well, he has one or two from like twenty years ago), I’m wondering if one of the other usual voice actors does the voice but didn’t want to be credited as usual.

OT Line: “Most impressive.” - Obi-Wan

Dee Bradley Baker as a Weequay!  Going drinking!

At least Jar Jar has a decent plan for avoiding being killed by pirates.

Well, the interaction between Dooku, Anakin, and Obi-Wan isn’t terrible.

Obi-Wan saves Dooku!  He really is a Jedi.

The clones just send Jar Jar out to get all Tiananmen Square on the tanks?  I guess they have a low opinion of him.  OTOH, Jar Jar does accidentally take out the power.  And Dooku goes all Sith Lord on the pirates.

Jar Jar’s a plague.  All part of the plan.

Okay, Dooku being completely brutal is a neat moment.  Doesn’t make up for the rest of the episode, though.

ROTJ-like moment with Jar Jar popping out of the tank.

Something tells me Anakin might not mind seeking some revenge on Hondo.

Thankfully, the episode comes to an end.

I… still am not really sure what the cookie had to do with the episode.

Next: Aayla Secura makes her debut in "Jedi Crash"!

television, rewatch, clone wars

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