1.06 "Downfall of a Droid"
The webcomic this time around is the "Fall of Falleen", where we see Ventress, Grievous, and Dooku conquering a world made famous by Prince Xizor. Not sure how it ties into the episode.
Cookie: "Trust in your friends, and they'll have reason to trust in you." Fitting, seeing as this duology is all about the Anakin/Artoo friendship.
I don't know why EU fanboys were so hot and bothered about a ringed planet in the Bothawui System. Kane clearly notes they're defending the system, not necessarily just the Bothan homeworld. That's a gas giant, anyway.
Ah, there we go. Obi-Wan mentions that Grievous recently conquered Falleen.
This was the first time I realized turrets on ground vehicles were strong enough to damage unshielded starships. Makes sense. That ion cannon on Hoth disabled a Star Destroyer, after all.
There's one way to have Grievous vs. Anakin: a dogfight.
The way Obi-Wan talks about Artoo, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't recognize him in ANH.
Ah, Ron Perlman. Always good to hear him.
I wonder if IG-88 can move like these IG droids can.
The music in this episode is... different.
Artoo's restraining bolt is remarkably easy to remove.
I'll admit, this is far from my favorite episode. I never really warmed up to it.