The Word: Changing Days

Oct 18, 2011 10:30

The Word was nearing my 22nd birthday!  But it didn't actually have one on the day.  Or my brother's for that matter.  But hey, we're moving right along.

Rendered Moot
Aired May 8, 2007

Topic: Though Hilary Clinton leads presidential polls, she will not take back her vote authorizing the Iraq War in 2002

Highlight: Senator Clinton proposed legislation taking back her original authorization vote (Dr. Who is she Kidding?)

Aired May 10, 2007

Topic: Magicians are suing TV stations for revealing their tricks and President Bush shouldn't need to give away the secrets to our victory in Iraq

Highlight: The last six years have been so musical (Sawed U.S. in half)

Supporting Role
Aired May 14, 2007

Topic: Tony Blair is stepping down as British Prime Minister

Highlight: 1-Across: "Iraq like ____nam"

Heated Debate
Aired May 15, 2007

Topic: A college student objects to watching An Inconvenient Truth in class

Highlight: Who knows what destructive information students will be confronted with next? (Student Loan Bill)

Level Playing Field
Aired May 16, 2007

Topic: Rudy Giuliani and 9/11

Highlight: Stephen's Enzyte picture (Wow, who misses those commercials?)  Also, you want to talk about unfair? (Manilow!!!)

His Way
Aired May 21, 2007

Topic: Paul Wolfowitz leaves the World Bank

Highlight: The tiny number of Americans who disapprove of the President himself (The Tiny 72%)

Party of Change
Aired May 22, 2007

Topic: The Democratic Congress

Highlight: When Democrats promised ethics reform, they didn't mean Congress should reform.  We, the people, should reform our ideas of what we consider ethical.

9/11, rudy giuliani, climate change, vids, tony blair, humor, iraq war, hilary clinton, colbert

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