Man, I need a DVR. Too much TV, too little time.
Speaking of TV, Colbert!
Hip Replacement
Aired April 10, 2007
Topic: The public believes the health care system needs to be changed and most believe Dems have a better shot of doing it. Plus, there are a lot of young, uninsured people
Highlight: Stephen advises Aaron Carter to consider being hit by a bus
Comment: Oh, how the winds change. Or not.
Season Pass
Aired April 11, 2007
Topic: British sailors formerly taken hostage by Iran are selling their stories, which is not getting a good reaction
Highlight: When does America win? (January 20, 2009)
Body Armor
Aired April 12, 2007
Topic: President Bush hopes to appoint a war czar to get things done in Iraq
Highlight: Dude, what if the war looked at you?
Comment: It seems calling a position a "czar" was strange back in 2007. How far we've come.
Clean Slate
Aired April 16, 2007
Topic: Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez is called to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee
Highlight: Stephen advises Gonzalez to forget everything (Not Just the Constitution)
Plan B
Aired April 17, 2007
Topic: Funding for the troop surge
Highlight: Plan B will do what no one thinks is possible (Bring Back a Republican Majority)
Comment: Give it a few years. They're halfway there.
Aired April 18, 2007
Topic: The "War on Terror" as a phrase
Highlight: The Armed Forces Committee wants to banish "Global war on terror" from the 2008 budget (Already banned the word "surplus")
$400 Haircut
Aired April 19, 2007
Topic: John Edwards' haircut costs $400
Highlight: Stephen's haircut costs a grand, not counting tip. (Stephen doesn't tip)
Act Globally
Aired April 24, 2007
Topic: The EPA reports that President Bush's strategy has actually reduced greenhouse gas emissions... 4/10ths of one percent less of an increase.
Highlight: Wiretapping means agents don't have to waste gas driving around in surveillance vans. (Or waste paper on search warrants)