The Word: Recorded Records

Oct 09, 2011 22:54

Man, I need a DVR.   Too much TV, too little time.

Speaking of TV, Colbert!

Hip Replacement
Aired April 10, 2007

Topic: The public believes the health care system needs to be changed and most believe Dems have a better shot of doing it.  Plus, there are a lot of young, uninsured people

Highlight: Stephen advises Aaron Carter to consider being hit by a bus

Comment: Oh, how the winds change.  Or not.

Season Pass
Aired April 11, 2007

Topic: British sailors formerly taken hostage by Iran are selling their stories, which is not getting a good reaction

Highlight: When does America win? (January 20, 2009)

Body Armor
Aired April 12, 2007

Topic: President Bush hopes to appoint a war czar to get things done in Iraq

Highlight: Dude, what if the war looked at you?

Comment: It seems calling a position a "czar" was strange back in 2007.  How far we've come.

Clean Slate
Aired April 16, 2007

Topic: Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez is called to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee

Highlight: Stephen advises Gonzalez to forget everything (Not Just the Constitution)

Plan B
Aired April 17, 2007

Topic: Funding for the troop surge

Highlight: Plan B will do what no one thinks is possible (Bring Back a Republican Majority)

Comment: Give it a few years.  They're halfway there.

Aired April 18, 2007

Topic: The "War on Terror" as a phrase

Highlight: The Armed Forces Committee wants to banish "Global war on terror" from the 2008 budget (Already banned the word "surplus")

$400 Haircut
Aired April 19, 2007

Topic: John Edwards' haircut costs $400

Highlight: Stephen's haircut costs a grand, not counting tip. (Stephen doesn't tip)

Act Globally
Aired April 24, 2007

Topic: The EPA reports that President Bush's strategy has actually reduced greenhouse gas emissions... 4/10ths of one percent less of an increase.

Highlight: Wiretapping means agents don't have to waste gas driving around in surveillance vans. (Or waste paper on search warrants)

alberto gonzalez, climate change, war on terror, vids, john edwards, humor, iraq war, health care, president bush, colbert

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