My hospital stay...

May 22, 2009 12:38

So as a Prenote lol, i have massive hospital anxiety. i don't fully trust Dr's and hospitals send me into a lil bit of a tizzy when i'm not the one going in. also lol this was not only my first surgery but my first hospital stay... And to let you know I don't care so while this is not graphic its a fairly accurate account of my stay and what happened to me. i'm still not fully back to being normal/with it so lol josh can probably answer excess Q if i can't : P

Okay. So heres the story *few* Last wk as most of you probably know I wasn't feeling great. Starting sunday with my bout of dizziness and sickness and then getting worse by wednesday with /lots/ of flu like symptoms. Of course it wasn't until wed/thurs i thought i might be starting to look a bit off color, yellow to be exact lol. Now since i asked josh and he didn't see it i thought well maybe it was the lighting or somehow my imagination *shrug* but it persisted and saturday when i visited my family for my moms birthday my parents were very much "you're yellow". so between them, my small chat with josh and a txt from julie i went to the ER with josh as soon as i got home that night.

after being in the ER for like 5 hours and having blood taken, etc i was told it was hep and had to be checked into the hospital. after many more tests including more blood being taken it was found to be gallstones. some had gotten into a duct between my gallbladder and my liver meaning that things just were backing up making me sick and yellow. so first one day they did a procedure where they stuck a tube thing down my throat (me being under after them seeing my lvl of anxiety instead of just being sedated). They used a camera to see the stones and used a "lil basket thing" to get the stones out from where they shouldn't be and put in a lil stint (tube) to keep the passageway open which i'll have an appointment to have taken out in two months.

THEN they let me know i still needed the surgery to have the gallbladder itself taken out. (mind you i was told by the Dr doing the procedure before i went in by him saying "didn't the surgeon talk to you already?" *rolls eyes* which of course led to yet more anxiety.) SO i went in to have that done bright and early one morning. I was *heh* given some lovely relaxing IV before going in which helped and was told it'd take about an hour and i should be basically as good as new. however once i went into surgery they found that there were FAR more stones then they'd been able to see between my procedure and the ultrasound they did to see them earlier. Long story a lil shorter my surgeon had to call two others in to help him with the surgery. he drew me a lovely picture on a pillowcase *lol* once i was back in my room and out of things again. but yea, it took twice as long as normal because of the little complications, and led to me having a lil tube in my side for two days.

finally early thurs morning i had the tube taken out after having my last batch of blood taken, and very quickly i was told i could go home. so yay yay i was home before 11am yesterday. i can sit/stand/walk a bit but i'm taking things slowly til my energy is back up and the soreness goes down more too. josh is going out shortly today to grab among other things my lovely painkiller Rx *yay* Just super happy to be home and have my josh and kitties by my side. Josh has been taking great care of me too. I'm happy to say i'll have my first at home visitors later today which i look forward to also.

Like i said i have no qualms answering questions or whatever. All i care is i'm now home and getting better. and lol that i'm no longer yellow hehe.Just happy the whole fairly frightening exeprience is over with, like i can't even explain.

Loving the cards and well wishes so far guys : ) Great to know i'm so cared about! *hugs*

ps- my cell /is/ on, just dont' be offended if i don't answer right away. my throats also a bit raw/dry still between everything. Txting lol i'm probably more likely to get back to quickly but either way i'm around. (assuming i'm not napping.)
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