Mar 17, 2005 11:44
Happy St Patricks Day Everyone!!
Well, I woke up to the phone ringing this morning *hehe* and turns out it was Josh calling to let me know that he was home from having his wisdom teeth out and was ok. I was so glad and surprised to hear from him. lol normally he's not a phone person but when he called we talked for a good half hour about random things along with him telling me about what he can and can't do/eat/drink for the next few days to a week. He did get pain killers but he said that he's still mostly numb and that although theres a lil throbing in his mouth on one side his arm hurts more from the needle which aparently needed a lil help getting in his arm *shutters* but anyways, won't go on too much about it. I'm just glad he's okay and was happy to hear his voice this morning. It was a great way to be woken up. *hehe* (I always have liked st patricks day)
Hey, now i dont know bout neone else, but normally on st pattys day my family has a big cornbeef, cabbage, etc dinner. Sadly since my dad works late on thursdays we can't have it today- so we're having it either tomorrow or on sat nite. I'm hope'n for which ever night i'm home. I'm hope'n to see my friend jen whose home this week from school and have yet to hear from her. Also i was kinda hope'n to have grls nite this sat since last sat it got a bit messed up with all the snow. I did end up goin out but with my friend heather who i hadn't seen in ages and she ended up take'n me to a club on the military base near here (otis air base is like 10 min away) and bought me a couple twisted apple smirnoffs- they were actually quite tastey, not tasting like achohol almost at all (which was nice).
Anyways- more later on I'm sure :)