Jun 05, 2008 18:19
X of swords:
trouble in personal relationships have been weighing in on your mind.
your ability to solve problems can be determined only when you apply what you know and feel.
king of swords (reversed):
jealousy abounds - in you or those around you.
watch out for narrow minds and prejudice.
develop your intellectual skills; play your hunches.
VII of cups:
truth is soon revealed.
act kindly and calmly.
this is no time to lose your cool.
reevaluate matters and set some long-laid plans in motion.
call an old lover just to say you're a better person for having known him or her.
zero the fool:
take things as they are.
matters are proceeding as planned.
do your part to settle outstanding disagreements.
kill others with kindness and let them suffer the consequences of their own actions.
this is a good time to build your investments or remodel your home.