Title: beautiful magic (tragic) love
elle_blessingCharacters: Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy/Lily Luna Potter
Word Count: 3,200
Rating: PG-13 | Warnings: Angst, sexual situations, a few swear words.
Summary: He made love to her in the soft grass on that isolated cliff overlooking the ocean. The stars were there to witness, like in all great romances (and tragedies). It was fitting. (Or Rose learns about (beautiful magic tragic) loving and living.)
Author’s Notes: This was written to fulfill a wish for
darkrosefanfics at
Humpfest 2013. I used her prompts "coming to terms with the past / moving on." The song "
Sad Beautiful Tragic" by Taylor Swift was also an inspiration. It was too long to be posted at the community for the fest, unfortunately. Ah well. Hope you enjoy!!
beautiful magic (tragic) love @