This isn't a meditation in the strictest sense of the word...It was more of a meditation On the aspects of the cards, trying to get my head into the right spot for my interview and hopefully taking over the new position. You'll notice they are all cards from Lupa's readings, I kept them because they were so appropriate and exactly what I wanted to express. For this meditation/prayer I used both my Gilded and Radiant-Rider Waite deck, and put them in a formation like this:
Similar to this, assuming the cards were all the same size, of course. I laid those out on my altar, the Nine of Pentacles representing me, and the Emperor and Ace of Cups things that I would like to absorb. I picked the Nine of Pentacles because of the beautiful, affluent, independently successful woman it depicts, which is obviously something I'd like to strive towards. The Emperor I think of as being, of course, the ultimate leader, able to delegate, dictate, and grow 'empires'. But, I see him as a little stony sometimes, too rigid if you go too far in that direction...You need the flexibility of water and inspiration to create new ideas, making sure you keep everything fertile and growing instead of suffocating it. So, all of those things is what I contemplated and tried to absorb last night and this morning while I prayed.