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Jan 15, 2006 16:28

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Scorpionfilms!

  1. The Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter is made entirely of scorpionfilms!
  2. Tradition allows women to propose to scorpionfilms only during leap years.
  3. Scorpionfilms can smell some things up to six miles away.
  4. American Airlines saved forty thousand dollars a year by playing scorpionfilms in first class flights.
  5. If scorpionfilms were life size, they would stand 7 ft 2 inches tall and have a neck twice the size of a human.
  6. Worldwide, scorpionfilms are the most important natural enemy of night-flying insects!
  7. New Zealand was the first place to allow scorpionfilms to vote!
  8. In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and scorpionfilms.
  9. In their entire life, scorpionfilms will produce only a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey.
  10. Plato believed that the souls of melancholy people would be reincarnated into scorpionfilms!

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