The exams last week went very well... *phew!!*
I was worried, but it was all good and I am suitably suprised at how well it all went - but GO ME for apparently organising everything so well... :o) We had one near disaster on Friday night. The last exams were packed up and brought over to me to lock up for the weekend, when I was informed that one script was missing!! *cue sound of hair tearing and gnashing of teeth* Not at all what I wanted to find out and have hanging over me all weekend. Thankfully, I got a call from my boss at about 7pm to say the boy had walked off with his script (!!!!!???) and had brought it back later.... urghhhhhhhh. So, no lost script, just a stupid student who will now be marked as absent because we can't now submit the script in case he amended it whilst he was off swanning around with it..... Honestly... what are these kids like??
So it was off to my very first trip to B-Movie on Friday. Accompanied by the very lovely
cookwitch and
itsjustaname I braved Kings Cross. Where I met lots of other folk from LJ, and saw several people who I had only ever seen at Whitby before, so that was just dandy. Music was cool (thanks Sexbat) and as a venue I like the Water Rats. Cute little place, and I suspect I will be found there again at some point in the future.
Saturday I was just in a daze due to lack of sleep (late night, coupled with sleeping on my sofa in order to avoid the "cough from Hell" that was issuing from my ex). I was so tired that by later on in the day I was barely coherent... so early night then. Sunday I managed to get all my chores done that I couldn't manage on Saturday and still had time to watch the last two episodes of Lost and this week's ER, plus finish my current book (Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison. Thoroughtly enjoyed it, and am on the second one now...) and do a spot of work on the Dr Who scarf for
mapp as well. Not a bad day then.
Back to exams again now, but all has been fine today. Despite aggro on the trains this morning making me arrive at 8.50 instead of the anticipated and hoped 8.30. Grrrrrr. And from here on in, the exams get smaller and less complicated as the week goes on. Hurrah.
Am now beginning to give serious thought to the whole moving house thing... must get the place de-cluttered a bit I think, in an effort to make it "viewer friendly" when folk start coming over to look at the place. Which means transporting bags of cuddly animals and boxes of books over to my parents, and trying to decide how to get rid of my old stereo and an old TV which are currently residing in one of my spare bedrooms...
And then I start thinking about all the paperwork that will need to be done, and all the aggro of packing up and physically moving (all once I actually sell the house and I've found a new place for myself to live...)
And lastly, I have a rotten cold. I am not happy.