MEME. XP Did it Cessy.

Dec 02, 2007 20:14

Tagged by cessball
Vincenzo Cosenza (WW2 Fighter Pilot that cheated death)
John Archer (Human-color boy)
Michael Montigiani (Angel/ Choirim)
Wealyn (evil *snort* color bad guy)

How old are you?
Vincenzo: However old you want me to be. *wriggles eyebrow suggestively*
John: Twenty Eight. Now get out of my face before I make ya.
Michael: I lost count. I ain’t feeling much like figuring it out. You want to fucking know? Do the math, bitch.
Wealyn: Twenty two…though time passes differently where I come from.

What's your height?
Vincenzo: Six feet two inches…now figure out my shoe size with that and yes…what they say about big feet and tall men…All fuckin’ true. *grin*
John: *rolls eyes*
Michael: Tall enough.
Wealyn: Lala…I got chocolate…I got chocolate, I got chocolate, I got chocolate, hey, hey, hey, hey..woop…*blink* Huh?

Do you have any bad habits?
Vincenzo: Hm. *scratches his head thoughtfully* I’ve been told I am a bit of a slob…but that Jo just can’t appreciate my “creative” order. Lacks imagination. Eh. *shrugs one shoulder and starts to count with his fingers* I cuss. I drink. I watch porn. Used to smoke gave that up though…hrm…I also am bad at the whole listening to orders shit. Ah..there is the criminal tendencies and no I won’t elaborate that would incriminate me in the near future, ya know premeditation, possibly the present, but I kinda call those hobbies to pass the time. Don’t know what’s wrong with that. *scratches head*
John: Drink, mostly. But there is this asshole whom I shall not name…that tells me I have a bad habit of not using my brain.
Michael: *snorts* If that’s a bad habit then I suppose I am guilty of it. Also impulsive, I tend to shoot/maim/bludgeon before asking questions. Sometimes. Yeah.
Wealyn: Well sometimes when Lyn is-- …*narrows one eye and leans forward suspiciously* did Lyn put you up to this? If he did…You are not getting a confession out of me. You can’t prove anything lady!

Are you a virgin?
Vincenzo: *snort* Once upon a time, yeah, I even was all for doing the dirty until married with that one special person romantic shit…until one day I was drunk off my ass at a party in the Academy. I was told I nailed this chick, didn’t even know her name or anything. *scratches his head in order to remember how the story went* No…I barely remember half of what went on but a couple of my mates filled the holes in…*snickers* Holes…heh heh…*clears throat* well shit happened but I felt million bucks the day after can’t complain. And ya know what they say such good feeling had to be repeated.
John: ….
Michael: I am known as one the Playboys of Araboth for a reason.
Wealyn: *entertained himself by the shiny bracelets on his hands* Eh?...OH! Well…I lost it and I haven’t found it since…I think. Hm…Maybe this virginity thing is under my bed. Lots of things get lost under there.

Who's your mate/spouse?
Vincenzo: My Sugar Daddy Jo. *leans forward to whisper* Just don’t say I called him that, I am already in the doghouse for the answering machine incident.
John: Nope.
Michael: Uriel, he just er…doesn’t know it yet.
Wealyn: *blink* No, not yet anyway…but soon. *smiles in that dreamy state of his* Yeah…real sooon.

Do you have any kids?
Vincenzo: Yeah, well, I had one, my little princess until I, uh…sorta died. Hopefully, Jo filled my shoes in playing the intimidating father figure with a shotgun in my absence. Shit, missed the good times…but I guess sacrifices had to be made, ya know?
John: Nope, got a niece and a nephew.
Michael: Two, *glares* why do you ask?
Wealyn: Nope. No kids.

What's your favorite food?
Vincenzo: I love pasta of any kind, but none of that already made shit for sauce that they market today in jars. Homemade, yeah *dream sigh* now that’s the stuff…Mmm, now I am hungry.
John: Beer.
Michael: Mariel’s grasshopper cinnamon buns.
Wealyn:Cho~co~la~te…Looo~ve it! *pouts* Only allowed to have it in small doses. Stupid Phelan.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Vincenzo: Vanilla
John: Er…I always mix it vanilla ice cream with beer?
Michael: Rocky Road
Wealyn: Cookies and cream.

Have you killed anyone?
Vincenzo: Er…It was war. Shit happened people died for it.
John: No. That’s illegal jackass.
Michael: Sure, killed a lot people, good way to pass the time.
Wealyn: Erm…what was the question?

Do you hate anyone?
Vincenzo: I did. But the assholes are already dead so. Nnegh.
John: *grits his teeth* Ben. The bane of my existence.
Michael: Too long of a list to write them all down.
Wealyn: Hrm…Nope can’t say I do.

Do you love anyone?
Vincenzo: I love my sugar daddy, of course. That’s why he’s my spouse. DUH.
John: No, can’t say I do, unless you are talking about my niece and nephew.
Michael: This is a stupid question. I refuse to answer it.
Wealyn: I love Lyn and and Ralphie because he’s so neat! And Sam because he makes the bestest sandwhiches Evar!

What is your job?
Vincenzo: I am a pilot, there was that litte thing on Earth where I used to erm…sell weaponry to terrorists and eh…I didn’t know it at the time.
John: Mechanic
Michael: Prince of the House of War, I make sure that there is orderly fighting/tournaments amongst our kind so that they won’t go aggressive on each other’s bubonic asses and cause a civil war in our *snort, rolls eyes* utopia.
Wealyn: World Domination?

Boy or girl?
Vincenzo: Is this some sort of underhanded method to take off my pants? *grins* You sly bitch you. I'll let you decide.
John: Boy.
Michael: ...Manly physique, rippling biceps...for fucks sakes I am a boy.
Wealyn: *looks down to make sure* He~llo! Yeap. Its a boy alright!

What do you do to relax?
Vincenzo: *feral grin* Well...its my favorite past time activity with my sugar baby. We love to do it in different places with the occasional up and down movements. ^.- Rawr.
John: Watch Tv.
Michael: Paint.
Wealyn: Bubbly baths.

Any hidden talents or something no one else knows about you?
Vincenzo: I used to work with Uncle Vito in his underground gambling ring in his butchery for some extra cash.
John: I can juggle beer bottles
Michael: I er..Burned Gabby's favorite doll and buried it in the backyard.
Wealyn: Hrm... I can peep on a person in the comfort of my own room with just a thought?

What do you think of your creator?
Vincenzo: I plead the fifth. I am rather fond of getting some horizontal action so I won't say anything else.
John: Eh, could be worse.
Michael: No comment.
Wealyn: ^_^ She's fun!

Vincenzo/Michael: Kiss ass.

What color is your hair?
Vincenzo: blond
John: brown
Michael: No hair, just very thing and long feathers in several shades of red, yellow, and orange
Wealyn: black

What's your sexual orientation?
Vincenzo: I think I am straight somewhere along the lines Jo came along and messed with my brain, I blame his extra girly chromosome
John: Er...I like ladies, I am very manly. Does that answer your question?
Michael: I am an equal opportunity kind of guy. What can I say?
Wealyn: Bi
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