Sep 02, 2008 18:04
Merdeka weekend just passed and a bevy of foreigners blew in and out of town to help Malaysia celebrate their 51st year of independence.
The one thing most noticeable for me this year is the lack of the "Jalur Gemilang" or Malaysia' national flag being flown at this time. Its supposed to be an indication of the discontent of the people with the government as flying it is supposed to show pride and gratitude. I love the way how the people voice their sentiment but I digress.
The long weekend had the gay scene play out like every other circuit party with the usually pre-parties, main-parties and closing-parties. And of course the many private parties and extensions after the official parties ended.
In anticipation, you could see the gyms packed the weeks before as every gay person who subscribed to the body-beautiful school of looks pumped their bodies in hopes of attracting that cute someone to get to know and maybe go back with.
The various clubs with parties were packed and it was not surprising to see the usual faces. Having clubbed for the past 12 years, you kind of recognise the international party faces after doing the circuit a few times.
But instead of the weekend passing with a tinge of regret and a hope that it would last just one more day, I was glad it went. In fact, my god-brother and I completely missed the closing party on Sunday nite and spent most of Monday resting at home and playing pool with a friend.
Arriving at 2am at Oblique on Saturday was something I was looking forward to, given my surprising recovery from being ill at 1am, but arriving at a venue that was set-up rather make-shiftly, that was was over-packed and under-ventilated poured cold-water on my eagerness to party. Then watching the crowds stumble out at 3am and wonder who's place to head to to continue the reveling till dawn left me wondering if I could be spending my time doing something more productive.
I actually found myself bidding the revelers goodnight, called my god-brother to see where he was and arranged to meet him at a fren's place to play pool and spend some time catching up.
Conversation with one's close friends and fine-tuning one's skills to pot a striped or coloured ball and eventually the black ball is a much more cathartic experience than being present at a party with strangers ingesting more alcohol and wat-not, hopping around to music you've already heard earlier and wondering what will happen at sunrise.
I wonder now how I've been able to do that so regularly the past few years. I guess variety is key and you can't keep doing something over and over again.
Oh well ... this is me articulating what I observed this last weekend and wondering what happened to the creature of excess I'm known to be.
Hope everyone has a great September. Four more months and Xmas, new year's eve + 2009 will be upon us!