Apr 21, 2006 20:20
i just want to holdon to this feeling forever
had a great catch up with Michele this afternoon, life gets in the way and before you know it,its been weeks and oneof you isgetting ready to leave the countryandthe other to headoutof the city...really refreshing tospeak with someone whoknowsme sowelland can seepast the outside without trying
gonna miss the hell out of Michele and the guys but i do every day anyways
they are off to Wacken festival, US & Canada...17 stops in all...record deals in the US and EU finally...and on their own terms so thats all pretty good and well deserved....even if you don't like the music they are one of the hardest working, most consistent bands around....7 years all up though i've only known them for 3 years now it feels like forever in a lot of ways....the second time i met them i was in a heavy kind of shock and trying to get to woronora for Ash's funeral thing, they got me there, Michele stood up for me.....not something you forget...ever
a coupleof hours this afternoon and i feel refreshed and out of thedoomdoomy blues which i have let suck me under of late
then Sara and mishka dropped by and i was surrounded by incredibly talented, writery, arty gorgeous survivor warrior women.........go on, admit it, you wanna be me :P